OPUS 18 – Polish National Science Center Grant no. 2019/35/B/HS6/01365

Heterotopias of Citizenship

Educational Discourse and Pedagogies of Militarization in the Spaces of Youth Organizations. A Critical-Analytical and Comparative Approach

The objective

The study aims to reconstruct heterotopias of citizenship of selected Polish and Ukrainian youth organizations, and generate their analytical, critical, and comparative description. The project flows within the current of interdisciplinary research on contemporary forms and meanings of citizenship. At the theoretical level, it is inspired by the works of the so-called topographic turn, and in particular refers to Michel Foucault’s concept of heterotopia. Citizenship studied through the prism of this concept reveals its complex nature: concurrent projection of the past, present, and future, and simultaneous presence of different types and functions of spaces. In reconstructing the meanings of citizenship, we focus on two aspects: the structure and content of educational discourses and the pedagogy of youth organizations operating under different political and cultural conditions.

Project Team

The seven-member research team includes representatives of several academic disciplines (i.e., pedagogy, cultural studies, political science, and law), united by, among other things, by their common interest in various aspects of youth citizenship, education, discourse, politics, and culture.

Helena Ostrowicka

Helena Ostrowicka, Associate Professor

Principal Investigator

Violetta Kopińska
Associate Professor

Magdalena Cuprjak

Magdalena Cuprjak PhD

Celina Czech-Włodarczyk

Czech-Włodarczyk PhD

Klaudia Wolniewicz-Slomka

Wolniewicz-Slomka PhD

dr Joanny Stepaniuk

Joanna Stepaniuk PhD

Iuliia Lashchuk

Iuliia Lashchuk PhD

Project implementation

48 months
(years 2020-2024)

Planned project implementation period

1 124 280 zł

Granted funds

Research materials

We assume that heterotopias of citizenship manifest in linguistic and symbolic layers. We reconstruct them on the basis of discourse analysis. The constructed corpus of research materials includes:

texts produced by selected youth organizations and their representatives in the form of documents, programs, press releases or other statements in the press and social media


texts regulating the activities of youth organizations in Poland and Ukraine


texts published in the press in 2018, in connection with the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of regaining independence (in Poland) and the 100th anniversary of gaining statehood (in Ukraine)

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