Another scientific article from the project was published. Our colleague Dr
Joanna Stepaniuk in the article titled „Аналіз діяльності та способів партисипації молодіжних організацій, що діють на території України” [Analysis of activities and methods of participation of youth organizations operating in Ukraine] presented the results of her analysis on youth organisations’ activity in Ukraine. The article was published in the book “Postęp cywilizacyjny w turbulentnym świecie: ujęcie wieloaspektowe” [Civilization progress in a turbulent world: a multifaceted approach] by the Institute of Political Science at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.
The article is available under the following link:
Article by Dr Joanna Stepaniuk published in the book ‘Civilization progress in a turbulent world: a multifaceted approach’