Another scientific article by the project team members Iulla Lashchuk and Klaudia Wolniewicz-Slomka entitled “Gender heterotopias in media content of Ukrainian youth organizations” has been published in the Synopsis Text Context Media journal. The article presents the results of the analysis of the discourse around gender conducted by selected youth organizations operating in Ukraine. The authors seek answers to the following research questions: what gender nouns are used by the youth organizations studied? And what is the context of talking about gender using these nouns? The analysis covers the content published by six youth organizations deliberately selected for the study, i.e.: the Foundation for Regional Initiatives (ФундаціяРегіональнихцніціатив/ФРI), Building Ukraine Together (БудуємоУкраїнуРазом/БУР), Youth Corps (Юнацький Корпус/ЮнКор), Youth Nationalist Congress (Юнацький Корпус/ЮнКор) (МолодіжнийНаціоналістичнийКонґрес/ МНК), UKRAINER (UKRAЇNER) and PLAST (Пласт). In the theoretical layer, the author reaches for the concept of one’s own place by Bernhard Waldenfels and the concept of heterotopia by Michel Foucault. The research method used in the article is quantitative and qualitative content analysis. The results show that, firstly, gender plays an important role in the environment of youth organizations and their civic participation, secondly, the language used in youth environments is not gender-neutral, and, thirdly, gender appears in the studied discourse in four contexts, i.e. gender as a neutral category in a descriptive sense, gender allowing to outline the target group of the organization’s activities, gender directly related to gender roles assigned to women/men, and gender as a literal threat to women’s activities.
Article by Iullia Lashchuk and Klaudia Wolniewicz-Slomka titled Gender heterotopias in media content of Ukrainian youth organizations, published in Synopsis Text Context Media